Thursday, September 23, 2010

Life in the Dark

Today, I am reflecting on my love of half hour to one hour long power outages. Yes, I’m serious! I thoroughly enjoy the sudden calm and peace of a power outage. Yet, I want to clarify that I do not like power outages that last so long that the fridge and freezer start to get warm and food has to be thrown out. Nor do I like when the power goes out and the basement is filling with water because the sump pump doesn’t have electricity (sounds like we need a good generator).
What I am referring to, are those times when I am sitting in the living room watching television, twiddling my thumbs, when all of a sudden the power goes out. In that quick moment, there is peace. The blaring television quiets, the dishwasher stops its cycle, the house phone won’t ring, and there is just peace.
I especially love power outages at night, when I can light candles and the whole house takes on a warm glow. The ambiance takes on even more allure when there is a good thunder storm outside and the weather creates its own soundtrack. It is in these moments, I like to curl up with my favorite goose down throw and pull an old favorite off the bookshelf (Sanditon by Jane Austen, To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, or a good travel novel by Bill Bryson).
If I’m not in the reading mood, Hubby and I have been known to grab a board game. The conversations we’ve had over board games played in the dark- range from the downright silly to heartfelt moments that I will always treasure. With no technology to distract us, it is easier to focus on each other and investing in our own small family.
If reading a book or playing board games are not catching my fancy during a power outage, I like to forget the house and go outside to sit on the porch. Watching the world go by can be mesmerizing. If there’s pouring rain, powerful thunder booms and zigzagging lightening, I’ve got an exciting show that I can watch for hours. Not only is this a fascinating way for me to pass the time, but it becomes so much more than that- it is a time I spend in worship of my Creator for orchestrating such an amazing world.
I firmly believe we all need power outages every once in awhile. They offer us a much needed respite from our busy world, a time to disconnect and find peace and quiet.
May you see and feel the glory of the Lord surrounding you today.

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