Monday, September 13, 2010

Here are my 2010 Sandwich Fair counts:

Days attended: 3
Hours spent at the Fair: 25 (pretty low this year)
Cinnamon rolls consumed: 1 1/2 (I shared one with Hubby)
Thick milkshakes consumed: 2 ($3 this year, instead of $5 because the vendor was celebrating 33 years at the Sandwich Fair)
Chocolate covered bacon consumed: 2 bites (new this year- it is bacon dipped in batter and deep fried, served with a chocolate drizzle)
Bands listened to at Ag Land: 3 (Woodsugar, Patchouli, and some big band tribute to our troops)
Animal varieties seen: Too many to remember, but my favorite was the Angora Rabbit; it was so beautiful and soft to pet
Family members seen: 26 (I was particularly grateful to see my cousin who is in the Navy and his family- they recently moved back to the states from Japan)
Horse related activities attended: 3 (the draft horse show, the horse pull and then Hubby and I took our little nephew for a ride on a pony)
Rides ridden: 1 (the train that circles the antique steam engines, I rode it with my nephew)
Fair entries: 12 (pumpkin bread, chocolate zucchini bread, pear butter, peach jam, a Christmas cactus, and 7 greeting cards)
Ribbons won: 6 (blue 1st- my Christmas card and my announcement card, red second- my congratulations card, and white third- my pear butter, my Halloween card and my lovin' you card)
Mullets seen: 0 (unfortunately)

It was a wonderful fair. The weather was perfect- 70s each day, except for Sunday when Mother Nature had the audacity to reach 80 degrees. Hubby and I particularly enjoyed taking our littlest nephew to the Fair and not only because it was nice to dump all of our stuff in his stroller, but fairs always seem a bit more fun when there are little kids getting excited about this or that. In fact, my favorite moment of the whole Fair was probably in the cow barn when two little kids got super excited about a huge pile of cow dooky and yelled out, "Wow, that poop is bigger than Daddy's!"

I love the Fair!

I would like to give a shout-out to my little nephew S, who really loved the boat/bed I had on my blog a while back. You are the cutest, littlest guy in glasses ever!

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