Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Throw another Candle on the Cake

Looking back on all of my favorite birthdays, they all have one thing in common- they were all spent camping. Camping is one of my favorite activities and since my birthday is in the summer, I spend a lot of them in either a tent or a trailer.

My favorite place to birthday camp is on my own personal island. Don't get me wrong, I don't own an island, but I have one that I like to imagine is just mine. In all actuality, it belongs to the forestry department and it is used for Boy Scout overnights, but I never personally saw any boy scouts on my island and so, I choose to believe there never are any.

My island is located a long canoe ride (down the thorough-fare, under the bridge, across the lake and then down the most scenic stream) from my grandparent's old cabin. Once you get there it is surrounded by submerged boulders that make great cannonball jumping rocks. The island itself is very wooded and probably the size of two Walgreens (sorry for the crazy imagery, I was trying to think of something anyone could relate to). There is just enough of a clearing for a tent and a good fire pit.

Only my dearest friends and my sisters are allowed to visit my island. My hubby could visit now too, but he hasn't been there yet. My favorite thing to do there is a midnight swim when the sky is clear and the stars are out. Oh man, sometimes I really miss living with my parents because if I did- I would go canoeing right now.

Happy birthday to me, I wish I was camping under a tree, Happy birthday dear Lazy Peacock, Happy birthday to me!

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