Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Freezing toes and boiling water


I want to report that my boiler is still not working (if I previously reported that it was my furnace, I was totally wrong. We don’t have a furnace, we have a boiler for our radiators). The HVAC guy has come and gone twice, but to no avail- we must have a tricky problem.

At first, the HVAC guy thought the spark plug thingy wasn’t working correctly, but when he went to install a new one, the problem was not fixed. Now, he is thinking that something is wrong with the gas line. I am personally hoping he is right because a broken gas line is actually cheaper to fix than the previously supposed spark plug problem.

In the meantime, whenever we notice the house getting cold, we have to trek down to the basement to jump start the poor thing. The HVAC guy said it was amazing that we could make the boiler light at all; he’s never heard of that happening. I praise God for it every time I hear the pilot light.

At the same time, I am very grateful to have a working hot water heater. You can always throw on some more blankets and socks to stay warm around the house, but taking a cold shower is the worst. If you are going to physically heat water for a bath, it takes forever (I’ve totally done that before). The joys of being a home owner…

Along the same lines, but totally different- Hubs and I are in the process of prepping our master bedroom for paint. Originally we were going to finish the bathroom and craft room before working on our master bedroom, but we changed our minds. I think we’ve finally grown tired of looking at the purple walls with red polka dots (seriously- remind me to post a picture if I haven’t already). Now, we are going for a very rich, warm brown. I am also thinking about some built-ins, but that might be way over my head (i.e. Dad help!)

Pictures to come shortly… In the meantime, have a blessed week.

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