Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Hubby and I are definitely in the holiday spirit. We've even finished half of our Christmas shopping (it's like a dream come true). Our fingers are just itching to pull the Christmas tubs up from the basement and find ourselves a tree to decorate (no fake ones for us now that we have a house with 12 foot ceilings)...

First however, we need to enjoy Thanksgiving. I am a true believer in no Christmas decorations before Turkey Day. Besides, I love my fall decorations too much to not give them a fair shake. My snowmen and evergreen garland can wait a couple more days.

As you may of noticed though... this blog post is not about my holiday decorating, it's about this past weekend: Hubby actually got sick! Hubby pretty much is never sick; that's my job.

Sure enough, on Saturday evening he went to let out his brother's dogs. When he was returning to the house, he lost his dinner all over the front lawn (it was chili for those of you who wonder about gross things like that). All of Saturday night, he was running back and forth between the bathroom and the bedroom.

I was praying he would feel better in the morning, but no such luck. On Sunday he actually got a fever and his whole body was aching. I tried my best to take care of him, but I am a firm believer in- the bigger the guy, the bigger the baby when sick (have I ever mentioned that I am married to a guy that could be an NFL linebacker?)

I did the only thing I could do- I left to do some Christmas shopping and get my hair cut (it looks amazing by the way- thanks Brittany). When I returned, Hubby was still feeling down-and-out, watching football and moaning. I slipped him some Tylenol PM and that seemed to do the trick. By the time bedtime rolled around, his fever was down and he was even hungry.

Thankfully, Monday morning Hubby was feeling back to his old self. It seems like he doesn't get ill very often, but when he does- it hits hard. Now, we are just praying I don't get sick too. Hopefully, the entire bottle of Lysol I sprayed around the house on Sunday, killed all of the germs.

Here's to hoping... I really love pumpkin pie too much to not be able to eat it on Thursday.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone!

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