Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wedding Bells

I love technology. Even though I am sitting in my cozy living room in Illinois, I can still watch one of my good friends getting married in Hawaii. Of course, it would be 100 times more amazing to be there in person (I mean seriously, it is Hawaii). Still, I would have been devastated to miss it altogether.

Hubs and I almost did miss it though- because we forgot to move our clocks forward an hour. We finally realized we were off at 6pm our time (well, actually it was 7, but we thought it was 6pm- thank goodness I didn't miss the Amazing Race. That would have been devastating).

Then, we couldn't remember when the wedding was going to start because I threw out the invitation after we decided we couldn't go- out of a sense of sadness. It was a tense couple of minutes, but we bellowed a collective sigh of relief when we realized the wedding wasn't going to start until 9:30 our time. Hooray!

I've got to go now because the ceremony is going to start any moment. Congratulations Kellen and Jeanmarie! We'll be over to visit you as soon as we can!

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