Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Exodus of Genesis

One of my good friends and co-workers, Genesis, is headed out west.  She is saying goodbye to snowballs and hello to beach balls.  That's right, she's headed to sunny California.  Thus... this is the exodus of Genesis.

I just want to go on the record as having said that having good friends move far away is no fun at all.  I rejoice with them as they follow their hearts (and God's guidance), but it's hard all the same.  I mean, who is going to teach me about healthy eating and the food industry now that Genesis is leaving?  Who is going to shop with me during lunch time?  I will truly miss our last minute journeys to Banana Republic, TJ Maxx, and HomeGoods.  In addition, it was Genesis who got me in the gym during lunch time... Something that has revolutionized my lifestyle.

Last night we had a girl's bon voyage celebration for Genesis at one of our favorite local watering holes, Honey Cafe.  While there, we presented her with handcrafted 5x7 cards featuring helpful adages like "Everything is going to be just fine" and "Don't sweat the small stuff."  We felt these phrases would be helpful as Genesis transitions into her new position and into a new part of the country.
These ladies are a true blessing.
There's really nothing like a good friend.  God has blessed me with many and for that I am truly grateful.  

And to Genesis, I want to say thank you for being so great.  I will miss having you in the office.  And lastly, I promise I will try to remember to bring soup for lunch.  

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