Monday, October 17, 2011

A Welcome Back to the Land of the Living

So this is pretty much how I feel right now: purple with red polka dots all over...

Well, maybe not exactly like that... But I am not feeling well and you can take that to the bank.

After three miserable days last week, I went to the doctor.  Turns out, I was battling a seasonal flu virus and acute bronchitis. A double whammy. I was sent home with a prescription for antibiotics and strict orders to rest and drink lots of fluids. 

Now, it is Monday and the flu bit is well in hand, but the bronchitis is still taking its toll.  My asthma had all but disappeared due to my weight loss (85 pounds- thank you very much), but this bout of bronchitis has brought it back with a vengeance.  I can't breathe.  I feel like someone is literally squeezing my lungs.  I. Just. Need. Air. Wheeze. Wheeze. Wheeze.

On the positive side of things, I took this {sickness} opportunity to fill my cabinets with some scrumptious hot beverage items: Tazo Chai and Tazo Sweet Cinnamon Spice tea.  I also bought some diet hot chocolate, which sounds ironic and disgusting and tastes that way too. One day I was just lying in bed and I thought to myself- I'm sick, my throat hurts, my ears are plugged, I'm tired... and Hubs doesn't want to hear me whining anymore. I'm gonna take advantage of this situation and buy myself something nice. Hub's was just glad to have me quiet for a while... sipping my diet hot chocolate. 

So, if you're reading this and feeling under the weather-- I commiserate. Go out (or have someone else go out and you stay in bed) and buy yourself some colorful, warm wool socks or maybe a new snugly blanket. I give you permission. Wheeze, cough, sigh.


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