Thursday, September 15, 2011

Unexpected Improvements

Now that the Fair is over, I can catch you up on some home improvements that took place over Labor Day weekend.  As I already mentioned, Mom and Dad ended up coming down for a visit.  Or should I say, they came down to kick our butts into motion.

Back in the beginning of August we had a terrible storm blow through our area. The wind was blowing like a banshee and the rain was coming down sideways-- It was one of those storms. The house managed to escape unscathed, but the garage roof wasn't so lucky.  A large branch fell on the front section, right above the doors, breaking through the eave.  The wood was pretty weak already, making the damage worse than it would have been otherwise.  Even so, we had no immediate plans to replace it.  Or so we thought...

With the roof damaged, the garage was looking pitiful indeed.  In July, Hubs and I scraped the whole structure. Until Labor Day weekend though, all I had managed to get primed were the walls.  Isn't it crazy that I am married to the world's greatest house painter and yet, it's taking three months to get my garage freshly painted? I'm just saying... The blotchy, messy paint job coupled with some missing window panes/glass in the doors and then the damaged roof had our property looking awful!

I guess my parents couldn't handle my complaining any longer because they jumped in their Tahoe and headed south to help.  And when my parents come with a purpose, they don't dally (especially my mom).  We were up extra early on Saturday morning to drive over to Menards to pick up the shingles and nails. 

Hubs and Dad spent most of their time up on the roof, while Mom and I kept our feet planted firmly on the ground. We focused on painting the garage walls and surprisingly... on taking down the rest of our old fence (between the garage and the back wall).  Now that there isn't a pitbull on the other side, we were eager to shed that eyesore.  Eventually, we'll replace the old fence with new like we did on the other side, but for now-- it just looks so much better.

Enjoy the pics!

How awful!

Getting better...

Hooray!  The old ugly fence is gone.

Thanks for the help, Mom & Dad.

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