Friday, April 27, 2012

Check it off the List

A few weeks ago my parents came to town and while they were here, they helped us repair our master bedroom closet window.  Hallelujah.

That particular window needed to be replaced badly; it was sporting a huge crack across the panes.  As a temporary patch, we covered the window with plastic and a thick curtain.  Even so, it was a major energy suck (in the winter I could feel the money rushing out of our pockets whenever we opened the closet door and cold air rushed into the bedroom).

So what took us so long?  Well, let's see...

  • It was out-of-sight, out-of-mind (probably the main culprit).  
  • We weren't exactly sure how to go about measuring for a new window.
  • The project would require emptying the completely packed closet.
  • We needed nice (at least not rainy or snowy) weather.
  • Procrastination (okay, so this may be the real main culprit). 

Check out the progress:

Removing the trim from around the old window (note the Ham radio decals left by the former owner)

In all honesty, this was a pretty cool, old window...

I mean, look at this old handle--Awesome

Here's Hubs installing our new window (which we bought at Menards)

Ladder climbin'

Trim figurin'

 Supervisor Judson

Here's Hubs and his portable air compressor... What a cutie (Hubs, not the compressor)
Having the new window installed has made a noticeable (read- massive) difference in the master bedroom's temperature.  Thank you, Mom and Dad, for coming down and making sure we got the job done... and done correctly.  You are a blessing to us!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I can't wait to see how the rest of the master bedroom comes along. I love your plans for it.
