As a novice, I am completely unaware of what happens at a triathlon (other than the fact that I am going to swimming, biking and running in that order). It should come as no surprise then, that I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to need.
To remedy the situation, I've done some internet research and I've turned to some of my experienced tri-competitor friends. This is what I've come up with, God help me:
To remedy the situation, I've done some internet research and I've turned to some of my experienced tri-competitor friends. This is what I've come up with, God help me:
- 2 pairs of swim goggles (one pair to wear and one to have just in case the other breaks). This works out perfectly because I can take my own mirrored pair and then Hub's regular, clear pair. If it is sunny, I can wear mine and if it is cloudy, I can wear Hubs (after adjusting the size). In case you are wondering, we own Speedo Vanquisher Swim Goggles.
- Swim cap. This is being supplied by the competition. Each wave gets a different colored swim cap. My age range, 26-30, is wearing yellow.
- Watch. This is not required, but it's a personal preference. I need to be able to check the time and see how I'm pacing. If I couldn't see the time, I'd go crazy. I have a Timex T5K410 Ironman 30-Lap watch. It is water resistant to 330 feet and it's not too bulky.
- Running shoes. I am actually in the market for a new pair of running shoes, but I don't want to get them until after the triathlon. So for now, I'm sticking with my Asics GEL- Nimbus. They have been faithful shoes and we've been through a lot together.
- Running socks. I just bought some Thorlo Experia running socks at Sports Authority. They were $18, buy one get one free. I never thought I'd buy socks that were that expensive, but they came highly recommended. I've run in them about 5 times and must say they are comfortable and they keep my feet dry. Would I buy them again over my $5 Adidas running socks from T.J.Maxx, I don't know.
- Microfiber Towels. The towels are essential to my transition between swimming and biking. I don't care so much about drying off as I do about being able to wipe the sand off of my feet before I put on my socks and running shoes. I do not want to be running a 5K with gritty feet.
- Flip flops or sandals. These are for after the race, when I will just want to take off my running shoes and fall over.
- Bike helmet. This is essential and the race marshals won't let anyone compete without one (rightfully so). I am borrowing my bike helmet for the race, but it is a Bell racing helmet. Before the race, I'll stick my race number on the front of it.
- Bike. Whoever forgets their bike will look totally stupid... Man, I hope I don't forget my bike. Actually, it's not even my bike, it's my sister-in-law's bike. She is letting me borrow it for the race. It is a TREK mountain bike, but it has hybrid tires and foot cages. She offered to let me ride her road bike, but seeing as how I've never ridden one before- we decided now wouldn't be the best time to start. The bike will also get its own identifying stickers.
- Water bottle. Water and Gatorade will be plentiful at the race, but there are no drink stations during the bike portion, so I need to pack 1-2 water bottles. I am planning to have one full Nalgene on the bike and one at my transition area. I tend to under-hydrate, so I want to fight that by surrounding myself with water.
- Fuel. Last night, I went out and bought some Clif Shot Bloks- strawberry flavored chewies. They are all natural, fat free, but pack the carbs and electrolytes needed. According to the package, athletes should eat 3 to 6 blocks per hour. I am also packing a pb&j for after the race.
- Tank top. Again, this is a personal preference. I wasn't going to bring one-- I was just going to race in my swimsuit and running shorts, but then I found out that I have to attach a number bib after the swim. I don't want to be fiddling with safety pins during my first transition, so I am pre-attaching the bib to my tank top and throwing it on when I exit the water.
- Swimsuit. Duh. Well, I guess that isn't exactly a "duh" since people run in all kinds of things--shorts and a sports bra, a tri suit, shorts and a tank, just a swimsuit, etc. I am going to be racing in my Nike swimsuit and red Nike running shorts. When the swim portion is over, I'm going to throw on my Three Lakes, WI tank top (a gift from Mom) for good luck.
- Hair ties. My hair is just getting long enough where hair ties are a must have item. I also borrowed a Bondi Band from my friend (the one who was going to race with me, but is now pregnant). The Bondi Band is good because it is wide enough to cover my ears during the cycling portion (the wind tends to give me an ear ache), it is moisture wicking, and it stays put on my oddly shaped head. I've never tried a headband that would stay put on my head- until now.
I want a full Race Report!!! How was it?!