Wednesday, October 6, 2010

That's a Bummer

I mentioned briefly in my last post that Hubby and I got into a little fender bender a couple of weeks ago. Now I want to give you the whole sad story...

I was home watching House and Hubby had gone out to give a painting quote (have I mentioned that I am married to the world's best house painter?) and to pick up some McDonald's smoothies on his way home (yum, yum, yummy). I was just getting into the medical mystery when my cell phone rang. I saw it was from Hubby and thought he was calling to get my flavor preference (strawberry banana if you care to know). Unfortunately, that is not why he was calling.

Hubby had decided to fill the car up with gas after he picked up the smoothies. While he was outside of the car, gas pump in hand- a young kid came out of the gas station, jumped into his big, black SUV and proceeded to stomp on the gas- backing straight into the front of our car!

The gas station attendant saw the whole thing happen and said he couldn't believe how fast the kid was going when he hit our car. Hubby confirmed that the kid was probably going 20-30 miles per hour, which is fast for backing up in a tiny parking lot filled with gas tanks.

Anyway, the kid stopped after he hit our baby and apologized profusely. He asked Hubby to please not call the police because he wasn't supposed to be driving. Turns out, the kid is 19 years old and was driving with a suspended driver's license and much to our chagrin- no insurance. Actually, it wasn't even his big, black SUV- it was his mom's vehicle.

After Hubby called, I walked over to the gas station (only one block away) to survey the damage. I was in shock that the whole thing had happened at all because we have never been in an accident before. The car looked pretty awful in the front. The hood was actually bent up and the bumper was all dinged and dented in.

The police confirmed that the accident was the fault of the kid (yes, we did call the police and file an accident report) and he ended up being arrested for driving with a suspended license and not having insurance. After the police finished with their job, Hubby and I were able to drive the car home- thankfully.

The biggest bummer about the whole thing is that we had to file the accident through our insurance, which meant paying our deductible for something that was in no way our fault. We have tried contacting the kid to get our money back, but he never answers the phone and his contact information from the police report is old. Bummer.

The good news is that we just got our car back from the garage and it looks wonderful. The guys at the garage are actually my husband's dad's cousins and they went above and beyond for us by reattaching our driver's side mirror (which Hubby's dad accidentally broke off of our car like 3 years ago). Hooray! Now I don't need to nag Hubby about the mirror anymore and I can move on to getting the garage painted (I don't think I nag- I just remind... not so subtly).

It's a long sad story, but it has a mostly happy ending. Wouldn't you agree?

Blessings on your Wednesday. I am off to have my photo taken for the new church directory. Just say "CHEESE!"

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